Perspectives on Mobility

Freight transport between cargo bike and jumbo jet


The registration takes place via RWTH Online and is possible until October 3rd. Further information about the registration process can be found in our FAQ.

All students can participate in a course. You can choose two preferences. For this, please use priorities 1 (highest) and 2 (second highest). Click here for an example. Please think carefully about how you indicate your priorities. It is not possible to re-register. If you have not been assigned a place in the project after the end of the assignment and are still interested in participating, please contact directly.

(If you have any problems with the registration or with RWTHonline, please contact Mrs. Sibel Yildirim (IPW), also stating your matriculation number: Ms Yildrim will be availbale from October 3rd for problems with the registration process. Manual registration during the registration period is not possible.)

Questions and suggestions are welcome. Get in contact with us! (Visit us also on Facebook and Instagram)

Academic Responsibility

Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. phil. Paul Thomes

Teaching and research area Economic, Social and Technology History

Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Streichfuss

Chair of Economic Geography and Senior Partner at Roland Berger

with the

PROFILE AREA Mobility & Transport Engineering (MTE) of RWTH Aachen university

Contact Person

Lennart Göpfert, B. Sc.





Monday, 6:30-8:00 p.m.


Digitl (Zoom)


We have become accustomed to receiving goods from all over the world within a few days or hours. We have a rapidly developing freight transport system to thank for this. This development is driven by leaps in technology and by the expectations of an increasingly globalized society.
Drastic events such as the Corona pandemic and the climate crisis highlight the imperative to reorient the movement of goods….
This raises questions:

  • What adjustments are needed today in the tension between security of supply and climate neutrality?
  • Which of them will persist in the long run?
  • Does innovation take place only in technical isolation or holistically, looking at factors such as social acceptance, economic efficiency or environmental compatibility?

Under these aspects, the course will critically examine freight transport and its development. To this end, actors from the university and corporate environment will discuss the transformation in transport with us. The focus is on the various transport dimensions of road, rail, air and water as well as the linking of these.
We would like to offer a space for concise impulses from experienced speakers. The course is deliberately intended as a testing ground in which your ideas and approaches can be heard: a cordial invitation to innovative and independent work.

In this sense, we look forward to a creative exchange with you!

Learning Outcomes

The contents of the course should enable the students to interpret freight transport and its drivers systematically based on history as well as to accompany research and teaching actively and critically. Recommendations for the definition of sustainable mobility research and concepts are to be worked out independently.

Accordingly, the course attaches great importance to communication between students and experts; i.e., all sessions provide for a 45-minute discussion component. Target-oriented information and materials will be available in advance in the course room.



Introductory event: Historical perspective on freight transport

Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil., retired university professor Paul Thomes (RWTH Aachen)

Teaching and research area Economic, Social and Technology History


Ducktrain – Urban logistic

Dr. Kai Kreisköther



duisport – Biggest inland port in Europe

Sascha Treppte



Sustainable future of transport and energy

Hon.-Prof. Dr. Martin Streichfuss

Roland Berger



Dr. Ole Nordhoff

Post & Paket Deutschland


Question time and Presentations by students


Emission free city logistic

Jürgen Große Puppendahl

City Aachen


Short-range transportation with UrbANT

Martin Reske

Profilbereich Mobility and Transport Engineering, RWTH Aachen


Retrospectives and outlook – chances and risks

WILL BE ONLINE! It can’t be in person as planned due to covid 19

Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. phil. Paul Thomes (RWTH Aachen)

Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Technologiegeschichte

Further dates will be announced soon.



Montag 12:00 Uhr

Titel der Veranstaltung




Titel der Veranstaltung



Procedure/Work method

Depending on the course of studies, module and examination, credit points can be achieved through participation.


Certificate of Participation (0 CP, not graded)
Protocol with critical analysis  (2 CP, not graded)
Presentation alone or in a team (3-4CP)

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