Effective Altruism

Using evidence and reason to do good


The registration takes place via RWTH Online and is possible until October 17th. Further information about the registration process can be found in our FAQ.

All students can register for one module. You can specify two preferences. Please use the numbers “1” and “2”. If you have not been assigned a place in the project after the end of the assignment and are still interested in participating, please contact sibel.yildirim[@]ipw.rwth-aachen.de directly.

(If you have any problems with the registration or with RWTHonline, please contact Mrs. Sibel Yildirim (IPW), also stating your matriculation number: sibel.yildirim@ipw.rwth-aachen.de)

Questions and suggestions are welcome. Get in contact with us! (Visit us also on Facebook)

Academic Responsibility

Effective Altruism Aachen e.V.

Student initiative at RWTH Aachen University

Univ.-Prof. Dr. theol. Simone Paganini

Teaching and research area Biblical Theology

Contact Person





Tuesday, 6:3-8:00 p.m.


Hybrid format (Switch between digital and in person sessions)

Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen, Room: AH 4




Many people want to make a positive difference in their lives. There are countless world problems that we need to solve as a society: Global poverty, factory farming, and climate change are just a few examples. In this lecture-series, we will systematically explore, using scientific methods, how to most effectively address these and other global problems.

The overarching goal of the lecture-series is to provide scientifically sound content that participants can apply in their own lives to effectively do good.

To this end, we will link impulses from international academic research with direct charity work: In concrete terms, some lecturers, for example, are researching possible measures against climate change or the prevention of pandemics and will discuss their findings and recommendations for action with us. Others have founded internationally operating charities themselves and will report on their experiences and direct work.

The lecture-series is organized by the university initiative Effective Altruism Aachen in cooperation with “Project Leonardo” and Professor Paganini. 

Learning Outcomes

The overarching goal of the lecture-series is to provide scientifically sound content that participants can apply in their own lives to effectively do good.

Specifically, students will gain an overview of some global problem areas and learn about possible solutions. They will understand what constitutes scientific methodology in the context of charity work and, based on this, will be able to compare different aid programs in a differentiated way with regard to their effectiveness.



“Effective Altruism” – An introduction

Effective Altruism Aachen e.V.


Global Health (zoom)

Bruce Tsai
Rethink Priorities


Farmed Animal Welfare (zoom)

Jamie Harris
Animal Advocacy Careers


Summary “Neartermism” and introduction “Longtermism”

Effective Altruism Aachen e.V.


Nuclear Safety 

Max Schalz, Lukas Rademacher
RWTH Aachen


Biorisk (zoom)

Crystal Watson
Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security


AI Safety

Tom Lieberum
AI safety researcher, DeepMind


Summary “Longtermism” and critisism regarding effective altruism

Effective Altruism Aachen e.V,
Prof. Wulf Kellerwessel

Procedure/Working method​

Depending on the course of studies, module and examination, credit points can be achieved through participation.


Certificate of Participation (0 CP, not graded)
Questionnaire  (2 CP, not graded)
Group presentation (3 CP)
Group presentation + Analysis (4CP)

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