Perspectives on mobility

transformation paths to sustainable mobility


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Academic Responsibility

Univ.-Prof. i.r. DR. Phil. Paul Thomes

Teaching and research area Economic, Social and Technological History
RWTH Aachen University

Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Streichfuss

Chair of Economic Geography and Senior Partner at Roland Berger

Contact Person





Monday, 18:30 to 20:00 p.m.


in presence
S13 (1385|213) (C.A.R.L.)
Claßenstr. 11
52072 Aachen


Mobility is a fundamental human need. As such, it has been and continues to be an important driver of innovation. Until now, the motto has been faster, higher, further. Sustainability has played a secondary role. There is no alternative to transforming mobility towards climate neutrality. The pressure to implement and act is growing. Conventional mobility is being replaced. New mobility patterns are emerging.

In cooperation with the RWTH research institute ACCESS!

the seminar will discuss the opportunities, risks and limits of combining mobility consumption and mobility technology against the backdrop of the need for sustainable use of resources. The focus will be on the transformation region of the Rhenish Mining District. Three aspects are central: a regional mobility system, municipal mobility concepts, and service-oriented technology paths.

The framework is provided by two thought-provoking impulses on historical mobility futures and an energy inventory. Together with the lecturers, the students actively expand their knowledge in a dialogical and critical way. This enables them to identify, question, evaluate, and ultimately shape developments and discourses on a factual basis.


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Rheinisches Revier:;



The content of the course should enable students to interpret mobility and its drivers systematically on a historical basis and to actively and critically support research and teaching. Recommendations for action to define sustainable mobility research and concepts should be developed independently.

Accordingly, the module places great emphasis on communication between students and lecturers, i.e. all sessions include a 45-minute discussion period. Specific information material will be available in the classroom in advance.




Mobility futures, transformation models

Prof. Dr. Paul Thomes
Teaching and research area Economic, Social and Technological History
RWTH Aachen University


Energetic stocktaking












Info, workshop and check-up exams


Student presentations

Procedure/Working method​

Depending on the course of studies, module and examination, credit points can be achieved through participation. If you would like to take an exam, please make sure beforehand how you can get credit for it in your degree program. Of course, you can also take exams without receiving curricular credit for them. Visit our FAQs for more information.

Certificate/Examination CP
Minutes 2CP
Presentation 3CP
Term Paper 4CP
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